
Plant variety registration and rights

Many genetic resources collections include obsolete varieties that are no longer of commercial interest to breeding companies and hence have been removed from variety lists. Cultivars that are still commercially important to breeding companies are usually not available from genebanks.

In case of interest in a particular modern variety the databases of the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO), the EU Common Catalogue or the Pluto database of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) may be searched. The CPVO is an European Union agency managing a system of plant variety rights (plant breeders' rights), while the EU Common Catalogue includes those varieties that meet DUS (distinctness, uniformity and stability) standards and that are free from marketing restrictions within the Community as regards to variety. The Pluto database combines information on applications for plant breeders' rights with data about applications for admission to variety lists. From the website of the Netherlands Inspection Service for Horticulture (Naktuinbouw) descriptions can be obtained of varieties that have been granted for plant breeders’ rights or that have been listed in the Netherlands since 2009.

Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO)

Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO)

Select 'Variety Databases' from the main menu. Subsequently, choose 'CPVO Applications and Titles in Force' on the new page and enter 'Lactuca' in the 'Species' box. Press the search button and a comprehensive list is presented that can be searched for the variety name of interest. Application status and date are presented, as well as the applicant's name. The majority of applicants are breeding companies of which the main part is included in the section 'Breeding companies' on the current web page.

European Common Catalogue

European Common Catalogue

Select 'Vegetable species' from the EU Plant variety database. Select 'H - 23 - Lettuce - Lactuca sativa L.' from the species pull-down menu. By activating the search button a list will appear with registered and deleted (optional) varieties. Selecting a specific entry will provide details about the variety, such as maintenance, synonyms and variety attributes.

Pluto Database

Pluto Database

After registration, enter Lactuca in the search box 'Botanical name' and activate the search button. A list of varieties will appear that can be sorted by clicking on the column head of choice. Clicking on an entry will show variety information, such as application details, denominations and parties concerned.

Dutch variety register

Dutch variety register

The Dutch variety register includes all submitted applications and registered varieties for listing and plant breeder's rights in the Netherlands since 2009. Select ‘National Variety Register and Variety descriptions/photo’s’ in the top menu. You can then search for lettuce varieties by entering "Lettuce" in the search box. A variety list presented, which can also be downloaded as Excel file.

Clicking on a specific variety will open a screen with information about the variety. If available, a detailed variety description can be downloaded, including data on resistance characteristics against pests and diseases such as downy mildew (Bremia lactucae), the lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) and the lettuce aphid Nasonovia Ribisnigri.

Descriptions US varieties

Vegetable Cultivar Descriptions for North America Lettuce A-L

Vegetable Cultivar Descriptions for North America Lettuce M-Z

These links provide an overview of lettuce varieties that have been developed in the United States of America. Information is presented about the breeder and vendor, while also the main characteristics of the variety are presented.